
Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Rating: 3,7/5 2170 votes

The ArcGIS Administrator utility is installed with the ArcGIS for Desktop, ArcGIS Engine, and ArcGIS Engine Developer Kit software, and in the case of ArcGIS for Desktop is launched after installation. For Esri CityEngine software, the CityEngine Administrator is installed, which is also launched after installation.

The ArcGIS or CityEngine Administrator (from herein referred to only as ArcGIS Administrator) can be accessed at a later time, by launching from Start > Programs > ArcGIS > ArcGIS Administrator. On Linux, ArcGIS Administrator can be launched from the product installation location using the following command, for example:

And the ArcGIS License Server Administrator will open. Click the Availability option from the menu, and you will see which licenses you have available. Connecting to the ArcGIS license Before connecting you must install the DHI License Management and the relevant MIKE software product on your PC. The installation also includes the.

[installation path]/arcgis/engine10.3/authorizeSoftware

  • Launch ArcGIS Administrator and select the desired product folder (Desktop, Engine, or CityEngine) for which you want to borrow licenses. For ArcGIS for Desktop, choose the concurrent-use license level you want to borrow—Advanced, Standard, or Basic—or choose ArcGIS Engine (Concurrent Use) from the Engine folder.
  • Open the License Server Administrator from Start Programs ArcGIS License Server Administrator. Select the Authorization option in the left hand panel, then press the Deauthorize. The Software Authorization Wizard will open.
  • On Linux, you can run License Server Administrator (in the case of 10.3) from the installation location using the following command: /arcgis/license10.3/LSAdmin. Stop the License Service under Start/Stop License service and exit the License Server Administrator. Install the ArcGIS 10.3.1 License Manager.
  • Hal yang perlu saya pertegas di sini adalah, cara ini hanya akan berhasil JIKA setelah proses instalasi License Server Administrator ArcGIS, license server status: HARUS dalam kondisi RUNNING seperti terlihat pada Gambar 2. Jika setelah instalasi ternyata didapati pada kondisi seperti Gambar 1, maka kemungkinan besar cara ini tidak akan berhasil.
  • 15- copy and Paste “license.lic” in your License server Direction on C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x 16- Now run the “lmtools” from the same directory (in step 15) 17- the “LMTOOLS by acresso Software Inc.” windows will pops up.

ArcGIS Administrator allows you to define both the concurrent-use and single-use environments. This help document only provides information regarding the concurrent-use case. For setting up the single-use environment, consult the ArcGIS Administrator Help, which can be accessed from the ArcGIS Administrator Help button.

ArcGIS Administrator allows you to do the following:

  • Select the language to use for your ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Engine environments.
  • Select a product to use and define a license manager.
  • View license availability.
  • Borrow available concurrent-use licenses.
  • Return borrowed licenses.
  • Add and remove data licenses.

Select a language

  1. Launch ArcGIS Administrator.
  2. Click the top node in the table of contents.
  3. Press the Advanced button
  4. Choose the desired display language and press Save.
  5. Click Apply to set your changes without closing ArcGIS Administrator, or click OK to apply changes and close ArcGIS Administrator.

Select a product and define a license manager

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Not Starting

  1. Launch ArcGIS Administrator and select the desired product folder (Desktop, Engine, or CityEngine).
  2. Click the button next to the concurrent-use product you want to use.
  3. Click Change, enter the name of your license manager, then click OK. The name of the license manager is the host name of the machine where the license manager is installed.
  4. Click OK on the Change dialog box.
  5. Click Apply to set your changes without closing ArcGIS Administrator, or click OK to apply changes and close ArcGIS Administrator.

View license availability

  1. Launch ArcGIS Administrator and select the desired product folder (Desktop, Engine, or CityEngine).
  2. Choose the desired concurrent-use product.
  3. Choose Availability to view licenses available on the license manager selected in the product folder. The license expiration date is also provided.

Borrow licenses


The default borrowing time-out value is 30 days. To modify this value, see Configuring license borrowing in the 'Administering the license manager' section.

  1. Launch ArcGIS Administrator and select the desired product folder (Desktop, Engine, or CityEngine) for which you want to borrow licenses.
  2. For ArcGIS for Desktop, choose the concurrent-use license level you want to borrow—Advanced, Standard, or Basic—or choose ArcGIS Engine (Concurrent Use) from the Engine folder. For CityEngine, choose Advanced Concurrent Use. Ensure that the license manager has been defined.
  3. Choose the Borrow/Return folder.
  4. Check the boxes of the features you want to borrow and click Apply.
  5. After the licenses have been borrowed, click OK to close ArcGIS Administrator. You can now use your ArcGIS or Esri CityEngine software while off the network.

Return borrowed license


To return licenses manually, you first need to connect to your network.

  1. Launch ArcGIS Administrator and ensure that you have the same product and license manager set in the product folder.
  2. Choose the Borrow/Return folder.
  3. Uncheck the boxes next to the features you want to return and click Apply.
  4. Click OK to close ArcGIS Administrator.

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Not Running


Borrowing licenses with ArcGIS Administrator does not apply to ArcGIS Pro software using named user entitlements. ArcGIS Pro software can be run offline if an administrator has configured the specified named user to have this permission. More information can be found in the ArcGIS Pro help documentation.

Feedback on this topic?Last updated on September 14th, 2013 at 05:02 am

1- open the “ArcGIS9.3Crack” file

2- open the “License_server_Setup”

3- Run the “Lmsetup.exe”

4- The ArcGIS 9 License Manager Setup windows will pops up

5- Browse the input box

6- select the the “37102011.EFL9″ from the same Directory (ArcGIS9.3Crack/License_server_Setup)

7- click on Next o run the program

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Ubuntu

8- Dont reboot your system

9- copy *all* files from “license_server_crack” to the license server install-dir in your C:Program files/… (Overwrite all of them)

10- Reboot your System now

11- change the name of “37102011.EFL9″ to “license.lic”

12- Open the new “license.lic” file with your notepad to edit

13- Replace the server name “this_host” with your computer name

14- Open file and save the change

15- copy and Paste “license.lic” in your License server Direction on C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x

16- Now run the “lmtools” from the same directory (in step 15)

17- the “LMTOOLS by acresso Software Inc.” windows will pops up

18- select the “Configuration Using Services”

19- select the “Config Services” tab

20- Leave the service name as shown ” ArcGIS License Manager”

21- In the “Path to the lmgrd.exe file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/lmgrd.exe

22- In the “Path to license file” browse to C:/program files/ESRI/License/arcgix9x/license.lic

23- In the “Path to debug log file” just browse and select ” ArcGIS_LM ” from the pops up window

24- Select “Start/Stop/Reread” tab

25- Click on “Start server”

26- Click on “Reread “

27- Now instal the main program

28- Do not register

29- Copy “data_interopfme_license.dat” to “Program install-dirData Interoperability Extension”

30-start “Desktop Administrator” from Start/Programms/ArcGis/Desktop Administrator and do modify it as follow:

* “Software Product”: choose “ArcInfo (Floating)”

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Download

* “License Manager”: change to “localhost”(browse to your computer)

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Password

* “Availability”: select “ArcInfo Desktop (Floating)”

Arcgis License Server Administrator 10.3 Query

31- Make sure to select all extensions when starting the different applications for the first time from the Tools/Extension